The scientists behind Howaru®




Select Publications

Lehtoranta L and Ouwehand A.C. Probiotics for vaginal health; oral consumption
vs. local application. NutraCos May/June 2021.

Lehtoranta L, Latvala S, Lehtinen M.J. Role of Probiotics in Stimulating the Immune System in Viral Respiratory Tract Infections: A Narrative Review. Nutrients Vol. 12, no. 3163.

Lehtoranta L, Hibberd AA, Reimari J, Junnila J, Yeung N, Maukonen J, Crawford G, Ouwehand AC. Recovery of Vaginal Microbiota After Standard Treatment for Bacterial Vaginosis Infection: An Observational Study. Microorganisms. 2020 Jun 9;8(6):875.

Ala-Jaakkola, R. Maukonen J, L. Lehtoranta L. Specific probiotics for postmenopausal women. Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech – vol. 30(4) July/August 2019.

Miller LE, Lehtoranta L, Lehtinen MJ. Short-term probiotic supplementation enhances cellular immune function in healthy elderly: systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled studies. Nutr Res. 2019 Apr;64:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2018.12.011. Epub 2018 Dec 28.

Lehtinen MJ, Hibberd AA, Männikkö S, Yeung N, Kauko T, Forssten S, Lehtoranta L, Lahtinen SJ, Stahl B, Lyra A, Turner RB. Nasal microbiota clusters associate with inflammatory response, viral load, and symptom severity in experimental rhinovirus challenge. Sci Rep. 2018 Jul 30;8(1):11411. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-29793-w.

Miller LE, Lehtoranta L, Lehtinen MJ. The Effect of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis HN019 on Cellular Immune Function in Healthy Elderly Subjects: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2017 Feb 24;9(3):191. doi: 10.3390/nu9030191


“As part of the R&D team, we investigate beneficial good bacteria, called probiotics. We aim to understand how probiotics work in our bodies and provide health benefits, for instance, by supporting the function of the microbes within us. In my role I am especially intrigued by how probiotics could support women’s health, like how probiotics support mothers’ health in pregnancy.”

What interested you in working in the field of probiotics?

“I have been always very interested in biology, bacteria and viruses. During my master’s studies in the University of Helsinki I specialized in infectious diseases. In my PhD studies, I directed my interest into human microbiota and probiotics and became highly curious how supporting the endogenous bacteria in our bodies could be an alternative solution to counteract against infectious diseases and to support our health.”

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